Have you ever thought about having your 'best friend' in your wedding. Well, I am sure you have but I am talking about your FOUR Legged Best Friend. We have had several have their dogs in their wedding. Typically they are the flower dogs or Bearer of Rings.
If you decide to go with having a dog involved in your ceremony. Please consider doing a few things to help the day go so much smoother.
~Confirm that your venue allows animals at the site
~Take him to obedience class
~They need to attend the Rehearsal
~Pick out an outfit that will keep him/her cool and comfortable or a nice ribbon around their neck
~Pick out a container/box that they will wear to carry the rings in
~Plan to have someone bring them about 45 minutes before the ceremony
~If you want them to be there for beforehand pictures make plans for the group photo
~Have a rewards bag along with fresh water with the attendant for the dog
~Have someone take him/her home after the ceremony so they can calm down. It will be a lot on them.
Wait until you see what your guests will do.
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