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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dance Lessons vs. Dance NO Lessons

Do you or don't you take lessons? That is the question on the hour. I know that most Groom's hate it when I ask that question if they know how to dance. Well, it is a very valid question given your first dance 'All Eyes' will be upon you.
  1. Where should I go? (Local Dance Studio that does group or individual lessons.)
  2. When do you begin to take lessons? (Recommend three to four months in advance to give you time to practice.)
  3. How many lessons should I take? (You should take two hours of private lessons up to six hours maybe necessary depending on how fast you learn.)
  4. Can I bring my wedding party with me? (You can for more fun or even do a song together at the reception for your guests.)
  5. Should I even or can I bring my dad or mother with me to learn to? (You can also learn your father/daughter dance and mother/son dance as well if you would like.)
  6. Before the big day you need to make sure you have all the key points. You can even book a refresher course if need be.
  7. Keep to performing well is to PRACTICE, PRACTICE makes perfect.
  8. Finally, keep your cool, enjoy your special dance and DON'T count with your lips. If you mess up only person who will know is you and your new spouse.

It is only once in a lifetime that this happens. Enjoy the festivities.

We wish you fun and happiness.

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