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Thursday, March 26, 2009

How to Deal: Meddling Moms

As the bride, sometimes your mom can get a little too controlling when it comes to your big day. In order to deal with mom without hurting anyone’s feelings, think about where she is coming from. You have to remember that your big day is also a big transition for your mother. To minimize conflict, especially if your parents are helping pay for the wedding, figure out the financials first. If both sets of parents are contributing, find out who is paying for what and how much. If your parents are contributing the most, ask them up front how involved they want to be in the planning of your wedding and discuss these issues then. While planning the wedding, if mom wants to be super involved, choose your battles wisely. If mom wants something specific for the flowers, think about how important the flowers are to you. If that is not one of the more important aspects to you, let her do it. However, if flowers are the most important part of the day to you, explain to your mom that you appreciate her help but that the flowers are very important to you and you had other ideas in mind. The bottom line is communication. If you talk it out with your mom, you have this opportunity to become closer to each other instead of fighting. Remember, she will still be your mom even after the wedding- don't burn your bridges!


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